About us

Welcome to Sophisticated Living Spaces, so glad you're here....

We’re Aneica, Orville & Shanique, siblings and founders of Sophisticated Homes and Living Spaces. The creative mind in the business is Aneica, who inherited her creative genes from mom. Aneica is a CPA by profession with a passion for home décor and real estate who wanted to turn this passion into a business; and, like every major event in our lives, we decided to do it as a family.

Our business ships home and office decor from the USA, Orville, who studied engineering before migrating to the USA deals with our operations and logistics to provide you with all the décor pieces you need.

Do you have that one family member who does the least work and gets all the reward…just because mom says so?!! Well that is Shanique the youngest of us all, who manages all our customer service needs.

Among us we have roots in the USA and the Caribbean, In 2016 Aneica purchased her first apartment in the Caribbean, and it was challenging obtaining the right décor items to #createasophisticatedlivingspace. Consequently, we went shopping and hand selected specific pieces in the USA to achieve that look we were going for.

One of the motives for this venture is to provide an avenue for persons in the Caribbean and the USA of course with hand selected chic and elegant décor while providing inspiration on how to arrange the pieces together to experience that #sophisticatedlivingpace.

So go ahead and browse our home and office décor collections, and if you can’t find what you need send us an email on our contact us page, we will look into it.

Thanks again for stopping by Sophisticated Homes and Living Spaces.